

some days
I muster the courage
to leave the solace
of my high castle

I emerge 
from the pit
venturing out
into the wilderness

There, I cannot help
being friendly
to which they ask
How many children
I have

I pause
wounded by
their cruel, naïve

My answer,
I am
an empty nester

How can it be?
You look so young!

I was young
Yet, I am ancient now

I had a son,
he died

Caught off guard,
in complete surprise
they mutter 
some nonsense,

I could never 
Walk in your shoes
How strong you must be,
Without my children
I would not survive

I could never myself,
Just as well,
Here I am
All the same

to love
is a risk we all take
to have our heart broken
with nothing but grief
in its place

The truth is
I am not strong
I am weak

Do not mistake
my ventures,
my calm demeanor,
or my many words
for strength

The truth is 
I have never been weaker
I am simply 
trying to survive

The Lord has promised me
His strength is made perfect
in weakness 
What they see as strength,
They see Christ

I am unraveled,
He binds me back up
Like a child's toy
dependent upon Another
to move me
show me what to say
where I should go
tell me all the things
I simply cannot know

without the Maker
who formed the stars,
who set the planets,
in place
I am simply
floating through space


One thought on “Floating

  1. Carter is an incredibly beautiful, painful, grief-filled chapter in your life. He will change indelibly the next chapters, no, the rest of the story of your life. He will be etched forever in your story as you travel toward the time when once again you hold one another.

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